The power of vulnerable potential.


Many schools of thought within the psychological field teach us about limiting beliefs; about constructs within the mind stemmed from a collection of repetitive cerebral interplay. For years recognising personal beliefs has been a big learning curve, I have found that when I push myself past the point of thought and into the realm of the unknown there is great & powerful growth to be had. It’s easier to play safe than it is to open oneself up to a new reality. The majority of mainstream education teaches us not to step outside a certain parameter into a space of …….vulnerability. However as Brené Brown so adequately says; ‘vulnerability is the birth place of innovation, creativity & change.’ These parameters include what we believe about our Horses & the reason they are here in our lives. We love them, cherish their presence, how much deeper can / does that relationship go? Can all relationships go for that matter? What if our Soul bonds reach through the physical world into an etheric field of intimacy & expansion. Countless spiritual experiences have occurred between Humans and Horses. What dictates these experiences is the level of openness we practice, and in this practice realise again and again (creating new thought stream) where our boundaries of belief are. What do I believe about this situation and more importantly WHY? When we truly see how everything we experience in the material world is a program to some degree we begin re-writing the chapters in our own words.

Take our physical capacity for example – the average Human life expectancy is 72 years. There is much science to back this up and I am in no way disputing that this is one truth, however if we stop for a second and think about what this means……..WHY is that the statistic? Men & Women in ancient cultures lived long past the age of 100 and in thriving health, in the western world this figure (increased since WWI) is primarily dictated by the level of stress experienced on a daily basis throughout the general population, but who is telling us that? Is this THE truth or one repetitive mental flurry told again and again by millions of people over hundreds of years which eventually arrives neatly into our personal unconscious mind? I hear people in their 30’s saying that they are ‘getting old’…….I mean.…..where does this even come from? If it is a collective belief then aren’t we part of that collective? And aren’t we the ones who can personally dictate the EXACT outcome of our physical power & longevity?

Back to Horses now. Have you ever asked yourself why your Horse is in your life and gone deeper than the physical answer? Are there any beliefs you carry around the way your Horse should behave… work….look….act….do everything? How would you re-define what ‘being together’ means for you both in equally relatable terms… remembering that the unknown is always new ground for growth.

When the lenses of society are removed we leave ourselves standing in vulnerable nakedness to the potential of something unknown and extricably life changing.


Olympia and I are working on meeting in a place of deeper respect and recognition. Our relationship is shifting from separation to oneness and on a daily basis I am SO grateful to her for the truth & intimacy she brings to the table.
Commitment comes in many forms. Most of all our dedication to the flow of energy we call ‘focus’, which literally brings life to the world.
Finding the space inside to show up from, expands what could be into what IS.
Shed your focussed awareness out into the reality you want to see take place. Know – it is in your potential to create as a matter of medicine for the world. .

The Mystery of Your Soul


Absolutely everything has an energy to it. All things, all time and space, every thing in existence. All categories of life, words, thoughts, actions, dreams.

Like a flower we expand towards the light. Even in the darkness of our being in that contracted state of fear the flower is still present, still exists.

Light is a bearer of truth. It moves through the space of constancy which we see around us. Enlightening each being and holding space in breathe and presence. The Horse’s light is grandiose, it moves in waves encompassing the fabric of ’emptiness’. It dives into the Earth connecting with sacred grids of the planet and shapes of the Universe. There is a feeling of mystery which lies past the veil of understanding and deep inside the movement of your own Soul. The animals of this planet know this, they work WITH their Divine Nature. Trusting signals, listening deeply and displaying acts of kindness far beyond the average human realm. It is time to remember where we are this kind. By settling into your own light, your own being, witness how your Horses’ behaviour changes.

In the finite eclipses of sheltered expression there will be gestures calling you to understand.

Find the place filled with light between you and your Horse. Sit in it. Become one with it. Know it as your kin, it is fertile ground for awakening.

From the Earth to the Sky the same running current flows, no one party exists more frequently than the other. In some ways we are here to heal and in our healing we unravel the magic lying dormant there.

The perfection of remembrance held tightly to your core. An idea of a right or wrong way is an idea of an ideal, it is YOUR UNIQUE way which holds creation in balance.  Making for your Horse to expand into.


Witness the light


In order to fully see the light in our horses we must first see it in ourselves. One is illuminated by the other. How do we do this? By connecting to our most authentic self. By being REAL with how we are feeling totaling our different forms of expression so that the telescope of our perspective can grow wide enough to encompass change.

We all have an Authentic and Inauthentic Self within. Which one shows itself most prevalently depends on how much our need for acceptance from the outside world is at the forefront of how we are feeling. Horses have an acute ability to target both of these larger aspects of us bringing them forward in a way which makes it, at times, uncomfortably obvious who we are being.

Some people call the Inauthentic Self the Ego, others the Shadow. Essentially both of these levels of expression at their best serve our greater purpose and expansion. The Inauthentic Self often acts as an unconscious protector, stepping forward to intervene in any potential ‘social danger’, steering us away from exposing to much of our under side – our vulnerability; deemed dangerous by many due to the standards of society we have grown up in. The Inauthentic Self can also be seen as a channel of energetic expression which helps us feel protected, safe and ultimately more accepted by those in our environment than we believe our truth may have us be.

Our Authentic Self is the feeling of flow, presence, ecstatic power. It is our highest truth. It moves through us when an opinion free of any judgment or design flows from our being. When our heart converges with our mind offering a free reign of knowledge steeped deep in conviction.

Many people do not feel comfortable standing in, expressing or even acknowledging their truth. Which is understandable as so often in society or within family dynamics and social groups the only part(s) of a person deemed fun / acceptable / enjoyable to be around is usually the part which is easy for the other person to experience. In my childhood I remember it was not acceptable for me to be too much of anything; too over the top, too emotional, too happy, too sad, too angry, too good, too bad. I work on this everyday and at times I still note certain unconscious patterns within my being which lean towards sculpting a way of feeling accepted and loved by those around me. Stretching to edit myself in order to ‘fit’ into the world. Not quite comfortable showing ‘me’ at times.

This is where Horses differ. Horses are ready for it all. They are available for us in our totality. Our frustration, our hurt, our joy, our raw pain, our fear… it is all part of the big soup for them. In fact they NEED us to be authentic as when we are honest with ourselves about our emotions, when we feel it ALL, that truth creates a more harmonious frequency for the Horses to be in. Making us feel ‘safer’ to be around.

Our horses are wired for authenticity, their survival instincts are tuned into the purity of nature in a way which makes them masters of targeting discrepancy. For them there is no judgement, no good or bad, it is all experienced as a truth. And this truth comes forward in their presence regardless of whether you are aware of it or not.

There is also a deeper reason. Horses are on the path of ascension and expansion just as we are. There is no separation between the rising in both streams of energy. We are one, sharing this time in unison not singularity and because of this it is important to be responsible for our own world, our perception of it , and our own energies. To remember that FEELING is a birthright. That our truth is a currency worth investing in!

Beginning to connect to your emotional body does not have to be a battle. It just has to be something you become committed to with the understanding that it is and always will be part of who you are. Trust that your truth is needed by the world.

Finding Self


I have always had a fascination with the Unseen aspects of life. Always wanting to dig deeper, to find a tunnel through what is into the meaning of things. The mystery of the world we see, the world within.

Obscuring this need to discover more, at some point I shut off from all things ‘Magic’, from the etheric beauty of what we call form. The horses are helping me re-discover this, everyday a little bit deeper into the Unknown. A little bit further beyond the boundaries of what I perceive to be a ‘safety’ arena. Leading me to question everything. Eventually a tumbling of totality will occur, guiding me down into the chasm of the present moment. Through thought and into the un-thought world. There is a stream which we all come from, it is as much a fact as the molecular structure of the air we breathe throughout the day, we all come from the same stream of energy. The horses ignite this remembrance easily, as though a simple glance tells all things.

Animal Communication is a way of tapping into this stream of consciousness, in my opinion it is a currency of truth. Horses demand ultimate authenticity and are therefore masters of adept personality refinement. No one can stand near a horse without feeling a sense of unfolding. The people who are courageous enough to look themselves in eye, in the heart, in the soul, are the ones who will dive deeper into the mystery these incredible beings hold.

Our Horses also hold an ancestral link to the companions we have made space for in our lives. They are all here for a reason, they are here to be heard, to listen to you, to call your authentic self forward so that a space of mystical reverence can be experienced again and again. It is not a trap, a misguided representation or a control method, our horses simply need us to dig deep and take responsibility for how we are feeling, for who we are being and how we can express what we have inside us! What I am learning more and more everyday is that for this Unseen world to be traversed I need to dig deep into the space between worlds inside me. The horses’ message this morning was – Find that ‘Self’ inside you which is also inside us – Find this Self.

What is coming forward at this time is a new type of surrender. A deep archetypal transference which transcends concept and instead reigns through Oneness. Ultimatum and beyond. The horses have me, their presence is a beacon as I gently un-peel layers of conditioning, layers of beliefs, layers of habitual reasoning. Sometimes we have to go to a whole new place to recognize where we were, stand in a whole new energy, a whole new way, a whole new sense of Self.

Is there a slip between what we dream and what we know to be true in our ‘awakened’ state? I think so. This realm, this world, what if someone told you you were dreaming and meant it? What if we touched a fabric of real time and felt it fall away between our fingers, between our thoughts. What if the construct of the world we see could just as easily morph into a whole new tapestry? Our thoughts are powerful, especially when we step up as the bearer of their direction and will. A whole new world can be created through the power of thought-stream-consciousness. Perhaps what you touch today is not real unless you make it so. What would you tap into now? A whole new way of being, or a deeper sense of knowing what truly living in your power feels like?




Be with me


As I sat with the horses this morning, their messages swept over me, helping me bask in their expansive energy.  Horses are able to dive so quickly and easily into the space between worlds. Their sense of reality always a guage for us to steer into and observe, experientially upholding a validation for their ability to roam the dimensions with ease.

This morning my intention was to go deep into that meditative space with them. The first thing I noticed however was the intense pounding of my mind! Stopping for a moment had helped me see where all my focus has been. Thoughts were whirling around my head, an unstoppable fire caught in the wind, spreading in an erratic, unpredictable way, thoughts about updating my website, about which posts should go where in relation to how relevant each piece of writing is for the reader. Thoughts about my blog…Yes, all this was still whirling around in my head. I have read that there is a high number of people who had never experienced anxiety until they joined social media. I can very easily see how that could be true. It felt like too much, an overwhelming force of overactivity inside me. I have had this tendency, to be too ‘in my head’. It feels like friction through body when this happens, an uninhabited land. As I sat I did my best to breathe back into my body, to calm my mind and focus, focus on expanding my awareness to include that of the horses. To feel them.

Latina came over then, she stood with me and instantly the message came through:

“The ‘Horse frequency’ is the ‘Heart frequency.’” She helped me drop into my heart centre and stay there, not just there though, everywhere, expanding outward. Her message was clear, ‘BE with me’. That was all, no fluffy details about why, for what reason, or how…. The message was so clear that in its clarity the sense it made was perfect. Just ‘Be with me’. Be with me. My intention had been to go into space with them, but how could I do that in the way I wanted to if I was not showing up for / with them. I watch how they are all so present with each other, engaging exactly when the other needs it, moving in a synchronistic melody, the way they innately interact is a dance which at times rages and at times breathes life from stillness.

img_20181208_163136_4785430829866978303465.jpgHorses ARE the present moment, I have never experienced such a transition from a state of mental flurry to heart calming expanse, never so quickly or as gently as with the horses. Their ability to bring us from one state into another is, in my book, as powerful as any other guide on Earth.

So the sitting and learning to ‘BE’ continued… Toby came forward to bathe in the energy Latina and I were sharing he also had a message, expanding upon what we were already feeling into he offered his wise perspective as always. He said that it is about me Being with them on all levels, not solely from my heart, but on ALL levels. Showing up from where I was from and entering into all things around them. When we drop into our hearts we DO feel ALL things. As they do. It is so simple really when I think about it – offering them a sate of being to experience and be around which mirrors their own inherent nature. ‘Being the Horse’ in their presence. Changing my energy to match theirs means that sharing space with them becomes boundless.

So much more has to be said for the power of Horses, we all know deep down (or close to the surface) that these beings are special. Their history, the positions they hold in our world, from athletes to workers to therapist they have been loved, ignored, revered, misunderstood, mistreated, and used… despite all of this our horses ARE our guides, they point us inwards with every step, they hold space for us regardless of whether we are conscious about how much we need them to or not. They do. Every single being on this planet has a message, people, animals, plants, the elements – everything holds a current of truth we can tap into. When we do, when we are able to feel the frequency of that thing, it is important to nurture it – to allow it to expand – to BE WITH it. Loving that thing into a deeper existence so that you can carry it with your every step.

When they called me to BE WITH THEM they were also calling me to BE LIKE THEM, to hold space and morph into their flow. Receiving the information they have to impart happens when I shift and we meet in the middle. When I meet them where they know to go. Toby has been my eternal teacher – always helping me go deeper, see more. He taught me today that receiving the information they have to share actually happens when we BECOME the receiver. By this I mean when we tune ourselves into a more receptive mode of experiencing information. Hearing, seeing, feeling the ALL. He showed me that just as our DNA is said to be where we download high frequency information from, our attention, our focus is also that way. Our attention can be a receiver as well as have a gauging point, it can input as well as output. This lead me to question where the majority of my focus is, day to day, night to night, what is my focus shining on? Where is it? Horses bring us home, in a myriad of ways. Tuning into their energy so that we can BE WITH EACH OTHER is what makes the difference as we move through this remembering relationship of Oneness. 


Grids, Horses, Healing.


Tonight with Oli in the arena she showed me an image of us simply connecting. So I un clicked her leap rope, and went and stood by the fence across the arena from her.

As I knelt down and looked at her I felt the connection clock into place. We were connected in the space between us and inside us both, inside her, inside me. We were one. As I looked at her eyes, her ears, and her body there was a distinct sense of something so much larger than those things. Something so much larger than the US who were standing there. There was a spaceousness in which she was communicating to me from / in. As though she was the space and so was I, so there was no separation between who we were together. At times I lost my focus and responded to certain thoughts flittering through my head. When I was able to regain that feeling of expanse I projected an image of to her of her turning towards me. I wanted this to happen. Perhaps it was because of my wanting that it did not happen.  I know she felt the image, however she did not turn towards me. Why? I don’t know right now. Asking for things rarely get’s me anywhere with Olympia, the majority of the time She is the one who leads. What I do know is that she had a very important message for me. Not just one but many, she had many important messages for me to bare witness to in that timeless place between us. When there is connection with the horses like this it its as though, in the moment I am aware of time but when I write about it afterwards it becomes clear to me that there was no time present there. There was nothing but the connection, the connection is spaceous timelessness. It is incredible really.

Eventually I walked over to Oli. She responded when I put my hand out for her. I felt my personality come back in, my fears, my doubts, my lack of belief in myself (funny because this morning in my meditation I spoke about how I believe in my power, how I believe in my gifts and how I have these gifts in order to help the world). Here though, standing with Oli I felt it all rush in, all the thoughts I have been thinking over the last few days, weeks! All the incongruent happenings inside me which are so completely the opposite to what we had just been experiencing. In that moment I felt two things at the same time – VERY HUMBLED – AND VERY SHITTY. I felt shitty that I was feeling that way and I felt humbled as I stood in what I was aware of as the presence of such a deeply grounding amazing essence that Olympia was giving off. She just stood there. All knowing. Totally still, whilst this inferno was going on inside me. Totally authentic and macrocosmically present / available / watching. It was as though she saw and knew everything, not from the past or future but because she was listening to my Soul Listening to my Heart and being present with it’s unravelling.

I love her for this. How she does it. It’s incredible to me and always a stark realisation against my own, at times, lack of presence for myself, or for those in my life. How she can stand in her own vibration in to such a degree moves something in me. While I was experiencing all of this I felt a deep rising sensation in my head, in my Third Eye Chakra, Crown and Throat. As though I was being suffocated. I realised that this is what I feel like when I am out of balance, and too much in my mind. This is what it feels like for me. What we had experienced together was spaceousness, what this was was like a crammed and full room. It was a stark contrast indeed.

She simply stood there looking at me. She did not move a muscle. Her eye saying everything she needed to communicate. Which was that we were still One, she was helping me feel into the different states of being one can experience throughout the day. All the infinite moments we are ‘awakening’, how asleep we can feel and how alive we can feel. She was helping me feel this because she knew that this is something I needed to see. I cried then, placing my hands on my heart I simply stood there and cried, allowing the emotion to run through me, over me, as she stood patiently holding space for it to unfurl. There was no-where to go and nothing different to be, do or say. She simply held space and watched, like an eternal Mother as I stepping into a fractal of my emotional self needing to be seen at that time, and actually for a while now. When the wave had subsided I still felt heady yet the energy which had been there before had was now changed. We were still One, in a new world again, every moment is like this with her.

After asking her if there was anything else she wanted to say / do / be, and receiving a ‘no’  we went back to the barn where the other horses were waiting.

She is so profound, this mare who sees all, constantly knowing where to place her Heart’s hand onto me, helping, guiding, translating aspects of the world my human perspective does not take in at times.

Olympia is the perfect combination of intensely aloof and infitely loving. So whenever she signals me to come near her, stand close to her and connect, or simply place my forehead to hers in deep recognition, these moments are glorious for me. Back in the barn we had one of these moments, she sent the image across of me hugging her around the neck so I oblidged. My heart burst into expanse at the gesture and I felt like a child being mothered. There is no greater experience than acting in response to having truly listened to someone. The alignment is out of this world.

She showed me this.

Once we were back in the barn I noticed Florenzo was in a DEEP state of either meditation or universal travel. He was completely ‘gone’. Latina was stood behind him also in ‘state’. Toby right at the back of the barn, in stillness but more here than the others.

Drawing closer to Florenzo I began brushing him to which he threw me an extremely irritated glare. There was something in the air which I was not hearing but could feel, a message which I was skirting around but not touching. Aware of the ‘time’ and wanting to get them out to the field again I moved away from Flo to brush Latina and Toby, whilst I was doing this I did something I used to do a lot when we were living in Hampshire. I asked the Angels who protect to place balls of protection and healing around each of the horses. Allowing each horse to draw into their auric field anything they specifically needed at any time, in any way. An infinite Angelic ball of light essentially. That is how I have always seen it anyway. Today though it was different. As I began the process I felt a real incongruency, or ‘itch’ away from what I was doing. Something just wasn’t sitting right. So I stopped, looked into what it was and the words ‘Healing Geometric Grid’ appeared. The balls of infinite healing I had previously imagined around the horses had now become VERY specific Geometric Patterned Grids. As soon as I saw and felt these grids I took a huge deep breathe and knew that was the truth. These horses had drawn in, set up, and were resting INSIDE healing Grids.

Florenzo had previously mentioned Sacred Geometry and Healing Grids before. Explaining how they heal, Healing Grids, he has mentioned this A LOT actually. I have various different notes about this in the notebook I take with me when I go and sit with them in the field. This time it was more evident to me because rather than writing it down as a concept I actually was guided INTO the energy of what he was talking about. It was as though my conecpt of a healing circle was outdated and what they were showing me was a very big upgrade!

When the horses communicate something collectively to me there is a re-aligning which happens. Whereby any pervious ideas of mine tend to get realigned too. As though we are all going through an ‘upgrade’ is the best way for me to describe it. This can be very ‘broad’ or very ‘finite’ it doesnt really matter and is not important except in terms of explaining the different threads of energy which they are able to inherently transmit and remind us of. It is like everything shifts from one frequency to another, from one version to another, from one reality to another. Then in the new place there is new everything, nothing existed before that place or after. It is like the eternal OM or the eternal Samadhi or the eternal-ness of space inside us. A shifting of reality, moment upon moment.