When She calls you.

Where do you go when the wind calls you?

I saw a flicker of your presence in the moon light.

Whispers, whispers, whispers.

Many times we stood together, shoulder to shoulder in reverence at the night sky.

Inhale, exhale, breathe in motion as One stroke of life falls into being. How much more of this bliss is there? Will we ever truly know?

As the curve of blue surrounds us, up high in the ocean we turn, flying forward in an open ministry of sound. Dig deeper look further for all things lie unto this place.

Light swims in turn

Dancing dancing showing her skills

When all the waves of time have past what is left?

This dance

I did not know you were her, and I she, and we all things One.

But when the moment of awakening came it was as though it had already been.

As though I knew it, as a beloved kin, saluting me once more. Eternal remembrance.

How much time shall pass. None.



Shared breathe


Today there was an ache inside me where I found you.

Thinking. you were so thoughtful in that space. Whirling around in your merry comfort realm.

You knew I was watching, observing the fraction of who you were. You knew I would edge nearer, closer to who we were becoming together.

The way your eyes cast out light, that flicker of a look.

A cluster of inhales.

Gently, so gently I edged forward into the chasm of what was possible.

Stepping with toe lightness onto the Earth, feeling it’s pulse run through my veins. I lead you, you lead me, we crossed over into each other.

Together, that shared breathe was suddenly all we knew.


Art of the Forest

In the fabric of such a notion as reality can the play of life ever cease?

Or is it us who open a doorway to the New Age?

Let the ego sleep its restless will

Cornering emotion the rising flow of healing’s devotion

Weep not for in its nature is the teaching.

Who are you who sees behind the lake house of silent awareness?

Who are you who seeks. Who meets life in full flight again and again.

Creaking bark and the tethered stark of dawn lit leaves.

Now smell the sweet pine as it adventures through you. Weaving in the pulsing beat of your own melodic composure.

Again let the ego rest its tired head upon the chest of my truth. Come into the embrace you long for, notice it all around you.

Lay the ego down to rest now and trust the family of your Soul.

Hear my voice in the shadows you speak from. Unzip any armour and be laid bear upon the sands of the present.

Let my shores crash over you, the cleansing salts of your truth being witnessed once more. Allow this. Allow this.


Heart Touch


Touch me not in that way

With eyes half closed, unwilling to see me.

Touch me not in that way

From your skin only, the surface world.

For I am not there, you will not find me

My place of peace resides inside the fulcrum of all things.

What you were told about me is not true.

I do not want you to do what all the others do.

Be different. Be YOU.

Step forward with tentative feet into a place we can both meet. 

Inside your chest is my focus, open the door to that forgotten land where you will find those sand dunes of time ever shifting and intertwined with your purpose for me.

Remember (y)our intention is Divine

That treasure of spirit-full connection lives deep inside the lines of

‘our unified reflection’.

Your love

Your trust

Your knowing

~ This is where I am ~ Always ready for our infinite embrace ~

So touch me not in that old way

With eyes half closed

Open your arms and become the soft fabric of space between our bodies.

This place of intimate relating, this is where my needs are seen.

Journey back home dear one for we are all living in the same Kingdom of Heaven.




Falling into Being

Cascading down the line of fine infinite potential we witnessed the harshness and the gentle caress of a storms wings upon our faces. Swirling, curving our way we opened slowly but surely seeing the horizon we have all harboured inside ourselves.

What a taken solace it is to glance upwards and remember who we are. Who each person is and to gain momentum in our perspective of that such thing. When I do my best to look into the fulcrum point of this inner temple, I see one thing. A complete harmonious fluid structure of caring of sharing and of creation. In our creation the light will come forward and save our world that doesn’t need saving. It is us who are the savers and the saved the cautious and the brave the witness and the subject of a continuous unfolding.


Our Beautiful Horses!

They come and they stay

Sometimes they remain in a way which touches our hearts and opens a new path.

Yet how often do we ask how they feel about the roles they play?

Is there a way for us to go deeper? To BE deeper for them?

To know how their inner worlds work.

How their life outside the saddle fits into perfect harmony with the sanctuary of our shared hearts?

Over time there has been a surrendering, a fore going of their independence so that we may live together.

With more time we will reach a rememberance of how in our ‘difference’ there is unity.

A merging of intention, of wellness and peace to co-create with the other’s fate in mind!

This is my mission, my calling and vision, to create a world in which the unity we see is the truth we believe about ourselves and our horses

Who share their every breathe on this Earth so that we may come to know more of what it is to be an animal filled with such a strong Spirit.

When there is a way there is a tunnel which funnels underneath the surface structures we keep so preciously present

As though there can be no tenant without them!

What if the way was different and our urge to connect came forth to express our truth of the matter

Which is that when we choose to shatter our paradigm of seeing we can start believing in the new and the now

The depth and joy of the days we allow ourselves to fill up with connection and play.

Oh how I love the first morning break of the sun as it shines upon the faces of my Divine family – the working horses on this planet are giving so much! Over stumbling rocks they tremble and push as they submiss to the wills of man’s handling skills all in an effort to live and they continue to give!

Are we and our animals the same?

Are we each our own mirror of wonder

To keep searching in for a way under and through the outdated?

Where we ourselves can then become un-gated and free to live from the heart once more, a home coming of familiarity is re-born.

That sacred ground where Horse and Human are both found, living together in harmony and FULL recognition of the Spirit in the ‘other’.

The mirror becomes the Great Mother’s way of showing that unconditional love is not as tough as we may have thought but actually gives life to form.

How can we find more space in our two Soul’s Grace?

Can there be a new way for us to integrate and have more faith in the other?

To listen

To trust

To go deep and start shifting the pain and the grief?

To weep in the light of a new dawn and open wide to the reality of what can be born?

As our horses have spent generations giving

Let us invest the time and have faith

Even for a moment a day

To give to them from our Heart.

From the space which houses our infinity

……..and where Love is the creator’s hand.